After the Test

After the course
If you take the Advanced Test, please tell us how you get on - both the result, and your overall experience - so that we can advise future candidates what to expect. Whether or not you take the test, you can leave feedback here about your experiences.
If you have passed the test, then you have the right to display the IAM badge on your car for as long as you are a paid-up member of the main IAM. Being a member of the IAM also gives you other benefits including access to discounted insurance.
Separate to the main IAM, we encourage you to continue being a member of our local group. Your subscriptions are our main source of income, and pay for the continued operation of the group. Our only other source of income is a small transfer from the main IAM when candidates choose us to do their training.
Taking it further
If you continue to be a member of the Nottingham group, then you can develop your skills by becoming an Observer. Even though this is training others, rather than driving yourself, it requires an in-depth knowledge of Advanced Driving which will inevitably translate into your own on-road skills. See Becoming an Observer.
To keep your skills current, you can become an IAM Fellow.
Fellow membership is open to all full IAM members, and provides you
with enhanced recognition and insurance benefits. However you need to
keep your advanced skills up to date by retesting every three years.
You may also wish to join us on the Committee to help set policy and undertake some of the administration behind the course. Or you may wish to join our theory meetings and contribute to those.
The ultimate legal driving challenge is the IAM Masters. You can take this at any time to get a quantitative assessment of your skills, but we suggest that you wait for at least a year after your Advanced Test before taking it.